The Pro Golf

Golf Swing Tips: Building A Repeatable Golf Swing

Golf Swing Tips: Building A Repeatable Golf Swing

Are you looking to elevate your golf game to the next level? Whether you’re an amateur golfer striving for better scores or a pro aiming for tournament wins, the secret to success lies in mastering the art of a repeatable golf swing. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the five key elements that will help you achieve accuracy, consistency, and, ultimately, a lower golf handicap.

The Importance of a Repeatable Swing

A repeatable golf swing is the foundation of a successful game. It enables you to generate predictable results and build confidence in your abilities. Let’s explore the five keys to building a repeatable swing:

1. Staying Connected

Imagine your golf swing as a synchronized dance. Good players, regardless of their handicap, have one thing in common: they “stay connected” throughout the swing. This means initiating a one-piece takeaway from the Ball, where your club, hands, arms, and shoulders move away in harmony. This ensures that the clubhead follows a wide, consistent arc.

2. Setting the Club on the Correct Plane

To achieve a repeatable swing, it’s crucial to set the club on the correct plane. During your backswing, hinge your wrists while your body turns. This action points the clubhead skyward, maintaining the angle of the shaft to the Ball. The clubhead remains square to the swing’s path, setting the stage for accurate strikes.

 Club on the Correct Plane

3. Swinging into the Top Slot

At the peak of your backswing, aim for “the slot” position. The club’s shaft is parallel to the ground and aligned with the target line. Your clubface angle should match your arm angle, ideally square or neutral. Maintain your original spine angle, head position, and proper weight distribution.

Swinging into the Top Slot

4. Retaining the Force of the Swing

A smooth weight transition is key during the downswing. Shift your weight to your left side while dropping your right elbow (for right-handers) to your side. This slight flattening of the swing, known as Herb Pennick’s “Magic Move,” maintains the 90-degree angle between your left wrist and the club’s shaft for a powerful impact.

5. Opening Your Shoulders at Impact

Contrary to common belief, your shoulders should slightly open at impact, not return to a square position. This ensures the club has room to follow the correct path through the Ball. Your body must “get out of the way” for consistent Ball striking with your irons.

Clean Ball striking Drill

To improve your Ball striking, practice this Drill repeatedly

  • Start in the ideal impact position at the address.
  • Shift your weight to your front foot.
  • Lift your rear heel slightly, and open your hips and shoulders.
  • Swing back and through, maintaining the impact position.
  • Finish in a balanced stance with your weight on your front foot.


Building a repeatable golf swing is the holy grail of golf instruction. While your swing might not resemble Tiger Woods‘, incorporating these five keys into your practice will undoubtedly enhance your accuracy, consistency, and overall golf performance. Remember, consistency is the path to a lower golf handicap, so work on these elements diligently to reap the rewards.

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